Forbes Projects Top Impacts in eCommerce for 2023

Fulfillment Warehouse

Just as with brick-and-mortar stores, running a successful eCommerce storefront means staying ahead of the curve on customer behaviors and preferences. Team up with our fulfillment warehouse to incorporate these anticipated trends for 2023 in your business plan.

1. Customers will continue to seek a personalized experience.

With eCommerce taking place in a virtual marketplace, creating a personalized experience for your customers can be the edge that puts you above the competition. Possible applications include:

  • Offering customized deals
  • Sharing helpful information about recommended products or ones that have already been purchased.
  • Creating targeted video content

2. There will be a greater focus on sustainability.

Environmental awareness has become a fact of life. As a result, consumers seek sustainability in both products and packaging. Go one step further by ensuring that your website is designed to operate with maximum efficiency to reduce the drain on resources.

3. Chatbots are here to stay.

Customers have become more comfortable with the use of chatbots. This will only increase as chatbots become more sophisticated. In fact, chances are good that chatbots will become the accepted form of customer service, rather than the exception.

4. Data protection becomes an even higher priority.

In terms of gathering customer information, it’s a fine line between being helpful and being annoyingly intrusive. eCommerce operators are giving more thought to exactly what personal data they need to collect as well as what point they need to ask for it.

5. Mobile shopping remains the preferred method.

If your site is still not optimized for mobile use, what are you waiting for? Nearly 75 percent of eCommerce sales take place via smart phone or tablet.

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Let Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics be a partner in your. success. Contact us to learn more.

Our Predictions for eCommerce Businesses for 2023

Fulfillment Warehouse

What does our crystal ball reveal about the direction of eCommerce business in 2023? Our fulfillment warehouse staff shares predictions for what you are likely to see during the upcoming year.

1. Online shopping continues to grow.

Yes, eCommerce is here to stay. Projections call for an increase of 12.2 percent in global sales for 2023. More good news? Experts anticipate that 2021 sales will more than double by 2026. Higher levels of consumer comfort and trust appear to be driving this trend.

2. Mobile shopping is also on the rise.

Thanks to smart phones and tablets, technology is as close as your pocket or purse. Keeping pace with overall eCommerce sales, purchases via mobile devices are anticipated to more than double by 2026, when they would total nearly 44 percent of all online sales.

3. Young consumers lead the way.

Does your marketing plan appeal to younger generations? While shoppers of all ages increasingly use eCommerce, the growth is much greater for consumers aged 25-40. Surveys indicate that approximately 80 percent of this demographic does the majority of their shopping online.

4. Social media is more deeply integrated in eCommerce.

With the debut of Facebook’s Buy button and Instagram checkout, the social media sales funnel becomes more streamlined. TikTok is also jumping into the game, testing Shopping Ads for both video content and live streams.

5. Online stores turn to visual commerce.

The main drawback to eCommerce is its two-dimensional form. Visual commerce aims to neutralize that aspect through the use of more dynamic visuals, including consumer-generated media, interactive content and augmented reality.

Head Into the New Year with a New Fulfillment Warehouse

Make 2023 your strongest year ever with a fulfillment warehouse partner that can scale along with your growth. Contact Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn more.

Five Tips for Planning Your eCommerce Promotions for 2023

Man in a warehouse smiling by boxes ready to ship out.

Now is the ideal time to start planning your business goals for 2023. Whether you’re interested in improving your online store’s performance by partnering with a fulfillment warehouse or looking for ways to boost business, the following tips can help you plan your eCommerce promotions for this year.

Customer Loyalty

Focusing on customer loyalty helps ensure repeat business for your eCommerce store. Loyal customers can also bring more business to your store by telling others about what you have to offer. Consider starting a rewards program, sending out newsletters, or taking other steps to encourage customer loyalty.

Specific Incentives

Come up with specific incentives for your customers based on their shopping habits and interests. Using customer analytics can help you discover this information. Offering incentives targeted toward your customer base can help you improve your chance of running successful promotions in the new year.


Staying engaged with customers through social media and email can help you spread the word about upcoming promotions for 2023. Set up email and social media campaigns that focus on letting customers know about promotions ahead of time and reminding them just before they start.


Offering two or more items at a discount or promotional rate can encourage customers to purchase from your store more often. Cross-selling can also help your customers learn more about different kinds of items your online store offers.


Customizing promotions for smaller groups of customers, also known as micro-targeting, can help boost business for your online store. Examining data about your customers can help you determine which groups to target and what kinds of promotions to offer.

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If you’re looking for a fulfillment warehouse that offers reliable service, please contact Medallion Enterprises. We also offer a wide selection of services to help your online business grow.

ECommerce Growth Projections for 2023 to 2026 – What’s in Store

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As you adjust your business goals for the new year, knowing what to expect can help. The Global eCommerce Sales Growth Report through 2026 shows promising trends for online businesses. Keep the following news in mind when writing your goals for 2023.

Increased Online Sales

Experts are expecting online sales to increase every year from now until 2026. For 2023, global eCommerce sales are projected to hit $6.3 trillion. Sales are expected to increase to $6.9 trillion in 2024, $7.5 trillion in 2025, and $8.1 trillion in 2026. The increase of nearly $2 trillion over the next few years is a result of more and more people turning to online stores rather than brick-and-mortar businesses.

Traditional Retail Sales vs. eCommerce Retail Sales

Online retail sales are continuing to take up a larger share of all retail sales on a global scale. As of 2022, online sales accounted for 19.7 percent of retail sales. This is expected to increase to 24 percent by 2026. With online sales making up nearly a quarter of all sales within a few years, it’s important for eCommerce business owners to make sure they’re prepared.

Boosting Your Online Business

The latest projections for global eCommerce sales mean that it’s time to make adjustments to your own business. This can help you take advantage of the increase in online purchases in order to help your company grow. With more consumers being comfortable shopping on mobile devices, make sure your online store has processes in place to provide secure transactions. Partnering with a fulfillment warehouse might also be a smart move to make, since this ensures that customers are able to get their orders on time.

If you’re looking for a dependable fulfillment warehouse to partner with your business, contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics.

Be Prepared, Know the Coming Impacts in 2023 for Social Commerce

Social Commerce

Social media has become an indispensable part of marketing plans for eCommerce and other businesses. Stay ahead of the competition by incorporating the latest trends for 2023, as shared by our fulfillment warehouse staff.

What’s New in Social Commerce for 2023

1. Social media platforms move to decentralized networks.

As consumers become savvier about differentiating fact from fake news, they’re demanding a greater measure of transparency. In response, many companies are turning to decentralized networks built on the blockchain, offering protection from censorship and greater safety for user data.

2. The metaverse continues to grow.

The metaverse may seem like something out of science fiction, and components of the technology originated in the video game industry. In the metaverse, social connections link a network of 3D virtual worlds. Facebook has been renamed Meta Platforms to reflect their commitment to developing a metaverse, while Microsoft incorporated virtual avatars and virtual reality meetings in their Teams app.

3. More companies will use predictive analytics.

While predictive analytics per se are not new, studies show that less than 50 percent of marketers have access to these capabilities. Frustrated with the limitations of manual data analysis, nearly two-thirds of marketing teams are planning to implement predictive analytics in the upcoming year.

4. Cookies are on the way out … eventually.

With people more concerned about online privacy, companies are beginning to migrate to closed-loop ecosystems. Unfortunately, it looks to be a long and painful process, as many brands will be forced to continue reliance on third-party cookies during the interim.

Fulfillment Warehouse Solutions to Fit Any Needs

Don’t let concerns with order processing, shipping and customer service keep you from the important job of growing your eCommerce business. Contact us to learn how Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics can design a program just for you.