How Will Google’s SGE AI Experience Change Shopping Ads for Ecommerce Stores?

Image of a Person on a Laptop with AI Influencing their Ad Experience.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, was once limited to an element in science fiction movies portraying a distant future. Now that time has arrived, and AI is already having a major impact on everyday life. Our fulfillment company experts take a look at how Google is harnessing the power of AI for online shopping.

Introducing Search Generative Experience

Google used their I/O 2023 event to announce the rollout of their new Search Generative Experience (SGE) as part of their Search Labs Program. SGE incorporates AI as well as a large language model (LLM) that facilitates more nuanced and personalized interaction.

SGE improves the user experience by providing answers to queries that would usually involve more than one search. Where a standard Google search returns a list of links based on keywords, queries with SGE generate a snapshot of information that includes helpful tips providing a deeper response.

If the user wants more information, a box at the bottom of the snapshot takes the search into Conversational mode. Users can enter follow-up questions that a chatbot will answer, using context from the original query and response.

AI Enters the World of Commerce

So what does this mean for eCommerce shoppers? When a consumer begins a search for an item, SGE will present relevant factors to be considered in the purchasing decision, along with a list of suitable options and overviews of each.

Unlike general queries, buying-related searches incorporate ads. They appear along the top of the snapshot, labeled as “Sponsored.”

A Fulfillment Company for Today and Tomorrow

Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics is constantly innovating to keep pace with the latest developments in eCommerce. Are you looking for a fulfillment company partner that will take you into the future? Contact us today to learn more about our full-service and personally tailored programs.

$0 to Decent: How to Jump Start Ecommerce Sales

How Your e-Commerce Store Can Effectively Compete with Amazon

Did you assume that sales would come rolling in once you set up your virtual storefront? People can’t just magically sense that you’re ready to sell them the product or service they’ve been looking for. You need a proactive strategy to drive traffic to your “door” and convert viewers to customers.

Your marketing plan doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Once you get people to your site, their activities will let you know if anything needs to be tweaked or revised. Here are some tested methods for driving traffic, moving from basic to more sophisticated.

Take Advantage of Free Networking Channels

• Spread the word about your business to all your contacts via email and social media accounts. Even if your friends and family don’t make a purchase, they can share a link with members of their network which can be just as valuable.

• Share a link to your store in online forums and communities where your target audience is likely to congregate. Offering discount codes will pique interest and help you track where the customers are coming from.

Create Paid Advertising Programs

• Online advertising is more cost-effective than you may think. Most channels charge per click only, and you can get started for as little as $10.

• Each platform has its own pros and cons. Do your research and choose ones that are likely to attract your target market.

Tap Into Existing Audiences

• There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Develop synergy through strategic partnerships with companies that are non-competitive but have overlapping target bases.

• Reach out to bloggers who may be receptive to writing a review or news story highlighting your product or service. Another possibility is writing guest blogs to position yourself as an expert in your field.

The best marketing programs are fluid, not static. Using these methods will give you solid feedback you can use to evaluate and refine strategies.

Save Time and Money with Ecommerce Fulfillment Services

Put your time and energy where it belongs, in developing marketing plans and generating sales. Our ecommerce fulfillment services can handle all your needs from inventory management to order processing and shipping. Contact Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn more about our services.