Five Important Trends to Embrace for 2023

Five Important Trends to Embrace for 2023

Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously said, “Change is the only constant in life.” Thousands of years later, his words still apply. So what changes are in store for eCommerce in 2023? Keep your finger on the pulse by adopting these trends identified by our fulfillment warehouse staff.

1. Sustainability becomes a greater factor in purchasing decisions.

As consumers become more aware of environmental concerns, a recent study shows that four out of five shoppers consider sustainability when choosing brands to support. Major player such as Amazon and Apple have made public commitments to become carbon-neutral by a specific deadline.

2. Voice assistants “handle” an increasing share of consumer purchasing.

As of 2022, more than one-third of consumers use Alexa, Siri and other voice assistants on a daily basis. Savvy eCommerce retailers are incorporating voice-enabled technology to make the shopping experience more intuitive and hands-free.

3. Direct-to-consumer grows in popularity.

The pandemic caused unprecedented changes in how companies do business. In one development, retailers discovered that direct-to-consumer (DTC) selling models are more efficient and profitable. DTC selling also allows for more interaction with consumers, which in turn builds loyalty.

4. TikTok continues to be a dominant force in social media.

Over the last few years, video hosting site TikTok has exploded in popularity, becoming the most downloaded app worldwide. eCommerce retailers are finding that TikTok is a great platform for advertising and brand content.

5. Online shopping goes live.

Think of it as a virtual Home Shopping Network. Many eCommerce retailers are holding live streaming events featuring their products. This strategy strengthens the connection with customers, letting them ask questions and make purchases in real time.

Grow Your eCommerce Business with Our Fulfillment Warehouse

Contact Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn how our services give you more time to grow your sales.

3PL or 4PL What’s the Difference?

Young Businesswoman Under the Stress of Organizing Business Logistics


So how much difference does a single digit make? In the case of 3PL and 4PL, the answer can have a significant impact on your choice of fulfillment company. Here’s a look at what this means for your business.

What is a 3PL?

third-party logistics provider, also referred to as 3PL, is a valuable solution for many eComm businesses. A 3PL handles some or all of your company’s shipping needs, such as transportation and information technology (IT).

Benefits of a 3PL

  • As an entrepreneur, you understand the business side. 3PLs have extensive experience with supply chain logistics, which frees you up to focus on the main goal of growing sales.
  • Supply chain functions are costly in terms of time, space and labor. When you partner with a fulfillment company, they provide these elements for a fraction of the price you would pay if you did everything on your own.
  • The needs of an eComm business can vary from year to year, and even from season to season. A 3PL can scale their services to accommodate seasonal spikes, market fluctuations and company growth.

Do you need a 4PL?

A 4PL, or fourth-party logistics provider, adds another layer to the operations of a 3PL. While a 3PL executes supply chain activities, a 4PL goes a step further by taking charge of overall supply chain management.

If you want to take a complete hands-off position with your supply chain operation, a 4PL can be a great option. The 4PL will work with your 3PL, including fulfillment warehouse and carriers, creating a centralized contact that enables strong communication and smooth procedures from start to finish.

Fulfillment Company Services for Any Applications

Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics brings years of industry experience to provide solutions for all your eComm needs. Contact us today to learn more.