Pull through This Holiday Season Strong With a Solid Sales and Fulfillment Plan Pt. 2

Holiday Season Sales and Fulfillment Plan

With a sales plan and inbounding plan in place, it’s time to take the next steps toward preparing for the holiday season. This involves receiving inventory or sending it to your fulfillment company and handling order fulfillment.

Send or Receive Inventory

Ordering inventory ahead of time ensures that you won’t have frustrated customers and out-of-stock items. Where will all of this inventory go? If you’re receiving it to store in your own facility, make sure you have room for it. Keeping inventory organized and stored safely is important to lower the risk of lost or damage items or delays in having orders packed and shipped.

If you work with a fulfillment company, ensure that they have enough space in their warehouse. Have inventory sent to them and communicate with them to confirm that everything has been received. Once your inventory is sorted and organized on shelves, you’ll be ready to start fulfilling orders.

Handle Order Fulfillment

Fulfilling orders involves processing them, picking merchandise off shelves, packing it up, and shipping it to customers. During the holiday season, customers are going to want their orders delivered as quickly as possible. This means you’ll need to make sure you’re able to handle the entire fulfillment process fast.

Fulfillment companies can assist with this. If you work with one, they can take care of fulfilling orders and ensure prompt deliveries to all of your customers. This gives you time to focus on marketing, boosting sales, and handling other aspects of your business. Keep in mind that efficient and timely order fulfillment can help you gain repeat business from satisfied customers and attract new customers.

Let Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics help your business handle the holiday season. Contact us for more details on our services as a fulfillment company.