5 Last Minute Black Friday Marketing Strategies from Your Fulfillment Warehouse

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Flash Sale Sign from a Fulfillment Warehouse for eCommerce Customers

Are you ready for Black Friday? It may be just the kick-off of the holiday shopping season, but a successful jump start can position your eCommerce business for a profitable finish to the retail year. Our fulfillment warehouse experts offer five helpful tips to drive shoppers to your virtual storefront.

1. Leverage social media for Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals.

When customers are already online, it’s easier to draw them to your digital store. Use your social media channels to promote new merchandise and spread the word about sales and other promotions. Incorporate eye-catching visuals and interactive opportunities, such as post-sharing and hashtag campaigns, to keep visitors engaged.

2. Offer free shipping.

You may already be offering free shipping based on specific purchasing levels, but the holidays are the time to open this perk up to all sales. Studies show that free shipping triggers a purchase for nearly three-quarters of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers.

3. Conduct flash sales.

Fear of missing out, popularly known as FOMO, is a powerful psychological factor. Create a sense of urgency by running flash sales that expire after a limited time period. Research has found that flash sales are a great way to increase email click-through rates and boost transaction rates.

4. Create bundles.

Even with the convenience of online shopping, people are always looking to save time. Make gift shopping easier by creating bundles that allow customers to clear several spots on their gift list in one place.

5. Curate a gift guide.

Wading through the digital marketplace can be overwhelming. Put together a gift guide featuring selected products that meet parameters such as interests, budgets and features.

Navigate the Holiday Season with Our Fulfillment Warehouse

Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics offers warehousing, shipping, customer service and other programs that are scalable to seasonal fluctuations and company growth. Contact us today to learn more.

4 Tips from Your Fulfillment Company on Preparing for the eCommerce Holiday Season

Woman on a tablet looking at a black Friday eCommerce holiday season sale.

With the holiday season coming up fast, it’s time to make sure your eCommerce store is ready. If you’re expecting sales to skyrocket, you’ll need to have a way to process and fulfill orders as quickly as possible. This can help you build a loyal customer base all year round for steady sales. Our fulfillment company offers the following tips on preparing for the eCommerce holiday season.

Maintain Accurate Inventory

Running out of items can lead to a big drop in sales. Having customers think that you have a certain item in stock when it’s actually out of stock can also cause your store to lose business. Making sure your inventory counts are accurate is essential this holiday season.

Reduce Inventory Shrinkage

Sending items that are damaged to customers or misplacing items during this busy time of year can result in a lot of lost business for your company. Aim to reduce shrinkage as much as you can. Working with a fulfillment company can help ensure that customers receive items that are in good shape.

Make Room for Inventory

Do you have enough space to stock up on items before holiday shopping gets into full swing? Fulfillment companies can provide this space in a separate warehouse, so you keep plenty of inventory on hand and ready to ship.

Prompt Order Fulfillment

Having enough staff on hand during the holidays is important as sales increase. Fulfillment companies have the staffing needed to make sure orders are processed, picked, packed, and shipped as soon as possible. This helps prevent delays and boosts customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Looking for a dependable fulfillment company for this eCommerce holiday season and beyond? Contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics for more details about how our fulfillment team can help you out.

Tips for Having the Most Profitable Holiday Season Ever

Image of Fulfillment Company after a Successful Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, both vendors and shoppers eagerly anticipate the buying frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But how do you keep that momentum going through the end of the year? Implement these helpful selling tips from our fulfillment company experts to ring the bell on your most profitable holiday season ever.

1. Everything’s better in a bundle.

Convenience is one of the primary reasons consumers have embraced online shopping. During the holiday season, make it even easier for customers by bundling two or more products together in a single purchasing unit. It’s a time-saver for buyers and higher profits for you.

2. Leverage the appeal of flash sales.

Discounts are a staple of holiday shopping, but flash sales up the ante by creating a sense of urgency with a limited time frame. Studies show that consumers are more likely to open an email that holds the promise of a flash sale.

3. Offer tiered discount pricing.

According to Entrepreneur Magazine, boosting average sales per customer is one of the more effective methods to increase revenue and profits. Tiered discounts, in which shoppers get incrementally higher percentage discounts at different levels of spending, is a great way to drive add-on sales.

4. Offer free shipping.

For better or worse, free shipping is no longer a rare perk in the digital marketplace, but it doesn’t have to be a blanket policy. As with tiered pricing, you can tie reduced or free shipping in with specific dollar amounts. Another idea is charging lower shipping fees for lengthier delivery times.

Team Up with Our Fulfillment Company for Happier Holidays

Do you struggle to keep up with seasonal fluctuations in your eCommerce business? Contact Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn more about our scalable programs.

Ecommerce Store Owners’ Top Ten Challenges – How to Overcome Them and Succeed Online

Male entrepreneur standing surrounded by product in an office.

With more consumers turning to online stores for their purchases, this is a great time to run an eCommerce business. However, online store owners face certain challenges that can make or break their business. From protecting consumer information online to finding better ways to fulfill orders, such as with help from a fulfillment company, these are some of the top challenges eCommerce store owners face.

1. Building Customer Loyalty

With so many online stores to choose from, having customer loyalty can be tough. Encourage customers to be loyal to your business through online interaction, loyalty programs with rewards, transparency, and content marketing. Taking these steps can help you engage with your customers and build a rapport with them.

2. Labor Shortages

Labor shortages have been making it harder for online stores to find staff to handle orders, customer service, and other aspects of keeping businesses up and running. Making improvements to your recruiting process and offering good benefits can help you find employees to help you with your online store.

3. Problems with Logistics

Global supply chain issues have led to logistics problems for online stores, especially when it comes to tracking inventory. Hiring a reputable fulfillment company can help your eCommerce business keep track of products that are in stock, so that you’ll know when it’s time for you to restock.

4. Lack of In-Person Contact Before Purchasing

Customers aren’t able to examine products physically before buying them when they purchase goods online. This can cause some customers to avoid shopping online. ECommerce store owners can make use of newer technology, such as virtual realty or augmented reality to make up the inability to physically try on or feel or hold merchandise.

5. Low Conversion Rates

Conversion rates can be a problem for online store owners, especially for those who are just getting started. Focusing on driving conversion through search engine optimization, calls-to-action, and the targeted messaging can help you increase your online store’s conversion rates.

6. Fraudulent Transactions

Fraud can easily happen in online stores when secure payment methods aren’t being used. This can lead to financial and legal problems while also discouraging customers from doing business with your eCommerce store. Watch for signs of suspicious activity with customer purchases, and use software solutions to make the payment process as secure as possible.

7. Customer Support

Although you can use chatbots for convenient customer support, many consumers would rather talk to customer service personnel on the phone, especially when dealing with complex issues. Offering phone support that allows customers to speak to someone can help improve customer support.

8. Customer Experience

Customers have raised their expectations in recent years when making online purchases. Ensuring that customers receive their orders promptly is crucial for your online business. A fulfillment company can provide you with peace of mind while also meeting the higher expectations that today’s customers have.

9. Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats can put customer data at risk and harm your online business in other ways. To lower the risk of these threats, you should update your online store platform on a regular basis, back up data routinely, and use security solutions.

10. Product Returns

Online stores have a higher risk of fraud or other issues when it comes to product returns. Having clear return and refund policies can help lower this risk. Giving customers different options for returns or refunds or offering coupons for those who aren’t satisfied with their purchase can help encourage customer loyalty.

Ready to Get a Price Quote for Our Services?

If you need a fulfillment company to help overcome challenges with your eCommerce business, please contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics today. We offer dependable, quality fulfillment services on both the East and West Coasts.

How to Handle both Positive and Negative Reviews

Negative Review Response for eCommerce and Fulfillment Services

Thanks to social media, everyone’s a critic. While you would love to have all positive reviews, there’s no need to fear negative ones. Our fulfillment company experts offer some helpful tips on responding to both.

Why Respond to Reviews?

Everyone wants to feel that their opinion is valued. When you acknowledge feedback about your eCommerce business, good or bad, you’re sending the message that you appreciate customer opinions and take them seriously.

According to Forbes Magazine, customer feedback is one of the more valuable tools for growing your business. By listening to what people like and don’t like about your product or service, you gain direction on how to evolve and improve.

Responding to Positive Opinions

If you receive positive feedback, there’s no need to provide a lengthy response. Simply offer your sincere thanks and appreciation for sharing their experience. Any attempt at a sales pitch can backfire by coming off as pushy and opportunistic.

Responding to Negative Opinions

Of course, shoppers with negative feedback require more TLC, but it’s an opportunity to get a second chance from a disgruntled customer.

  • Respond promptly to show that you’re paying attention.
  • Maintain a professional tone. Resist the impulse to take the criticism personally.
  • Ask questions to make sure you understand the customer’s concerns, just as you would if you were conversing in person. Investigate as needed to determine the cause of the problem.
  • If a customer has a complaint about something that’s no fault of yours, don’t feel obligated to apologize, but do offer empathy and compassion.

Team Up with Our Fulfillment Company for Increased Customer Satisfaction

At Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics, we understand the value of providing superior customer service. We offer scalable fulfillment services to accommodate any eCommerce business. Contact us for more information.