Have you noticed the change in Google.com results? Have you seen all the red icons in front of listings whenever you do a Google search that contains a city location in the query? Are you noticing that your website’s organic (unpaid placement) seems to be pushed down below a myriad of local results? Welcome to the new world of Google’s localized results!
With Google pushing location specific listings pulled from their Google Business Profile index, it’s getting harder for prospects to find your “real” website. Localization is the rage with search engines right now; even Bing has gotten into the act. It is now more important than ever to use your local business profile page as a doorway to bring visitors into your website. As Google is the big player in the world of search, we’ll focus on discussing Google Business Profile accounts in this article, but be aware that Bing has similar service.
If you have a business, you most likely already have a Google Business Profile even if you never created one. Google has planned ahead for you, and has created a profile page just for you, based on the information that it has found on the Web about your business. It’s your job to claim it, and then work the page over so it can be a selling and review tool to funnel customers and prospects to your “real” website.
How do you claim your listing?
First, visit this page: http://www.google.com/business/. On the right you will see a section for business owners. Your listing is free, but you will need to set up or tie an existing Google account login to your new Google Profile account. One word to the wise, if you are paying a third party to do set up for you, make sure that they tie the Google Profile account to you and not to themselves. You want to retain ownership of your Google Business Profile page as long as you have your business.
The sign up and set up interface is easy to use. You will enter in your physical address (no P.O. Boxes allowed), your phone number, email address, website URL, business description, and then select service or product categories. Don’t be afraid to choose custom categories that are short keywords of the services or products you provide. You can only set up a maximum of five categories.
Your Business Profile page is not complete until you enter details about your business such as: operating hours, types of payment accepted, photos, YouTube.com videos, and finally the important “additional details.” Take time to add “additional details” that make sense. We recommend using keyword phrases for these “additional details”. Keep in mind that what you enter here should be considered like a bulleted list, with a one to three word clarification in the second field to the right of the entered keyword. Focus on keywords that are indicative of what you sell and in a very short concise format.
Although you are done, your Business Profile page will not go live until Google has verified that you are really located at the address your have listed in your Google Profile account. Plan on two weeks for a postcard or plain envelop to come to you via regular mail at the listed location. This correspondence will contain a PIN. You must enter this PIN number in your Google Profile account for your page to be put in the indexing queue. It may then take another one to four weeks for your listing to actually become live. Unfortunately setting up and verifying a Google Business Profile page is not quick process but make sure to follow the instructions carefully. If someone has already claimed your physical location you may not be able to claim it as well. This is an important note to remember for office buildings and even businesses sharing physical spaces with the same street address.
How to maintain top position with your Google Business Profile?
As Google Profile pages are so important now in the organic results, how can you improve placement and then retain it once you win it. We recommend that you do monthly updates of your photos and videos on your Google Profile page. If you don’t have videos, now’s the time to start getting creative and make several short videos using your digital camera. Just load your video files to YouTube.com (tied to the same Google account that you used for your Google Profile page). Insert the YouTube.com link to the video into your Google Profile account in the video section. You can show up to five videos at a time. As for pictures we recommend sizing 20 or so into a square shape and then rotating ten different ones each month. Google seems to like and reward Profile pages with better placement that are actively managed on a regular basis.
Google also seems to reward Google Profile pages with better placement when the business offers coupons and has more review than their competitors. Not all markets seem to have a clear cut path to top placement, but we do know from information found online that in major markets reviews and coupons are just one of the keys for top placement of a Google Business Profile page. Your geographic proximity to the person who has searched is still the top determining factor in which businesses are shown and then coupons and reviews will additionally rank the returned business listings.
Where do the reviews come from that appear on my Google Business Profile page?
Google scans the Web and may pull reviews from all over and embeds them on your Google Profile page. But more often than not, it is real business users that leave reviews directly by visiting your Profile page if they are logged into their own Google account.
Unfortunately, you have no control of the reviews that appear on your Profile page. However, as the page’s owner, if a poor review is posted, you can respond to the review, but there is no “remove this review” button. You can however flag the review for Google as inappropriate, but Google may leave the review at their option.
Be careful if you are using a third party set up service that the creation of fictitious reviews is not part of your package. Your Profile page could be dropped from the index by a violation of Google’s terms of service.
In conclusion, with the advent of search engine localization, claiming your Google Business Profile page is a very important aspect of managing your online presence. With Google Profile pages being ranked higher than websites for search queries that contain a location, we recommend using this Google tool to your advantage to funnel clients and prospects to your website.