Ecommerce Management New Year’s Resolutions – Be Better for 2023

eCommerce Tips

So, for 2023 you’ve resolved to lose weight, read more and eat your vegetables. Have you given any thought to New Year’s resolutions for your Ecommerce business? Our fulfillment warehouse team is here to offer some helpful suggestions.

1. Step up your customer service.

If December is a month of sales, January is a month of returns. People are taking stock of their gifts, sorting out which ones to keep and which ones to send back.

While no business enjoys dealing with returns, how you handle them will greatly affect how customers perceive you. Gracious and professional customer service will leave people with a favorable impression. In many cases, you may even manage to turn those refunds into sales.

2. Get creative with marketing techniques.

Post-holidays, customers go into January with a shopping hangover, leaving sales as cold as the temperatures. Dig deep into your marketing bag of tricks for creative ways to generate sales.

Consider these possibilities:

  • Review abandoned shopping carts from the last few months and send emails to gently prompt customers to complete the sale.
  • Encourage shoppers to redeem gift cards at your online storefront.
  • Make judicious use of discounts and coupons. For example, make them contingent on a minimum purchase to drive multiple sales.

3. Analyze your inventory.

After the controlled chaos of the holiday season, inventory numbers may be off. Now is the time to reconcile quantities on hand and current pricing to avoid disappointed customers.

Did you turn up some products that didn’t move as well as expected? Run a sale to help clear out those items and make room for new products.

Team Up with Our Fulfillment Warehouse

Inventory reporting and quality customer service are just two of the benefits provided by partnering with Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics. Contact us today for more information.

Easy to Follow Smart SEO Tips for eCommerce Owners

Fulfillment Warehouse

The online marketplace gets more crowded every day. How do you make your products stand out above the competition? Our fulfillment warehouse staff shares some easy-to-implement SEO tips that will do the job.

1. Use Keywords

This is an oldie but goodie because it really works. Incorporate keywords that people are likely to use when searching for your products.

2. Include SEO with Images

Using keywords in text is only part of the process. They should also be included in names, titles and “alt” text of image files.

3. Optimize Your Site for Mobile Use

People on the go frequently use phones and tablets to do their online shopping. You’re losing opportunities if customers can’t access your site on mobile devices.

4. Add Customer Reviews

Studies show that as much as 75 percent of online purchases are influenced by recommendations. Encourage customers to post reviews and add them to the appropriate product pages.

5. Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms provide modern-day community centers for exchange of ideas. These outlets are great places to build your brand, create awareness and connect with customers. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are the big four, but TikTok and Snapchat will help widen your reach.

6. Use Google Ads

The power of Google Ads is a wonderful resource for your marketing plan. Combine Google Ads on search engine result pages with skillful keyword use to maximize results.

7. Monitor Analytics

Don’t just cross your fingers and hope for the best. Monitor website traffic and other analytics, making adjustments to your plan as needed.

Your #1 Choice for a Fulfillment Warehouse

Are you prepared to handle increased sales from your SEO campaign? Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics offers a full range of services that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Contact us to learn more.

Five Tips for Planning Your eCommerce Promotions for 2023

Planning Holiday Sales

This time of year is the ideal opportunity to start planning your business goals for 2023. Whether you’re interested in improving your online store’s performance by partnering with a fulfillment warehouse or looking for ways to boost business, the following tips can help you plan your eCommerce promotions for next year.

Customer Loyalty

Focusing on customer loyalty helps ensure repeat business for your eCommerce store. Loyal customers can also bring more business to your store by telling others about what you have to offer. Consider starting a rewards program, sending out newsletters, or taking other steps to encourage customer loyalty.

Specific Incentives

Come up with specific incentives for your customers based on their shopping habits and interests. Using customer analytics can help you discover this information. Offering incentives targeted toward your customer base can help you improve your chance of running successful promotions in the new year.


Staying engaged with customers through social media and email can help you spread the word about upcoming promotions for 2023. Set up email and social media campaigns that focus on letting customers know about promotions ahead of time and reminding them just before they start.


Offering two or more items at a discount or promotional rate can encourage customers to purchase from your store more often. Cross-selling can also help your customers learn more about different kinds of items your online store offers.


Customizing promotions for smaller groups of customers, also known as micro-targeting, can help boost business for your online store. Examining data about your customers can help you determine which groups to target and what kinds of promotions to offer.

If you’re looking for a fulfillment warehouse that offers reliable service, please contact Medallion Enterprises. We also offer other services to help your online business succeed.