Pull through This Holiday Season Strong With a Solid Sales and Fulfillment Plan Pt. 2

Holiday Season Sales and Fulfillment Plan

With a sales plan and inbounding plan in place, it’s time to take the next steps toward preparing for the holiday season. This involves receiving inventory or sending it to your fulfillment company and handling order fulfillment.

Send or Receive Inventory

Ordering inventory ahead of time ensures that you won’t have frustrated customers and out-of-stock items. Where will all of this inventory go? If you’re receiving it to store in your own facility, make sure you have room for it. Keeping inventory organized and stored safely is important to lower the risk of lost or damage items or delays in having orders packed and shipped.

If you work with a fulfillment company, ensure that they have enough space in their warehouse. Have inventory sent to them and communicate with them to confirm that everything has been received. Once your inventory is sorted and organized on shelves, you’ll be ready to start fulfilling orders.

Handle Order Fulfillment

Fulfilling orders involves processing them, picking merchandise off shelves, packing it up, and shipping it to customers. During the holiday season, customers are going to want their orders delivered as quickly as possible. This means you’ll need to make sure you’re able to handle the entire fulfillment process fast.

Fulfillment companies can assist with this. If you work with one, they can take care of fulfilling orders and ensure prompt deliveries to all of your customers. This gives you time to focus on marketing, boosting sales, and handling other aspects of your business. Keep in mind that efficient and timely order fulfillment can help you gain repeat business from satisfied customers and attract new customers.

Let Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics help your business handle the holiday season. Contact us for more details on our services as a fulfillment company.

5 Tips on How to Measure The Success of a Black Friday Sale

Fulfillment Company Team Looking Over Black Friday Analytics

As an eCommerce entrepreneur, creating and executing a marketing plan is only part of the job. The final step involves reviewing results and making necessary adjustments to improve going forward. Our fulfillment company staff shares five tips to use in measuring the success of your event.

1. Make sure you use the right sales tools.

Today, it’s easier than ever to capture accurate data reflecting all aspects of your eCommerce business. How familiar are you with these digital tools?

  • Google Analytics is the gold standard for tracking website traffic to reveal user behavior and conversions.
  • Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and other social media platforms have their own analytics programs to identify top-performing posts and determine levels of engagement.
  • Mailchimp and Sendinblue are valuable tools to assess email campaigns.

2. Compare average order values.

Ideally, customers will be motivated to spend more money during Black Friday. Compare the average order value, or AOV, of Black Friday sales to AOV over the rest of the year as well as last year’s Black Friday sales.

3. Determine customer acquisition cost and return on ad spend.

How productive are your advertising dollars? Take a look at customer acquisition cost (CAC) and return on ad spend (ROAS) to ensure that your budget is being optimized.

4. Review conversion rates.

Bounce rates and abandoned carts will give you insight into how effective your campaigns are in guiding people all the way through the sales funnel.

5. Study customer feedback.

Are customers leaving positive reviews? How many of them are return visitors? The more satisfied a customer is, the more likely they are to come back and recommend your shopfront to others.

A First-Class Fulfillment Company for All Seasons

Contact Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn more about our comprehensive range of services, including advertising and media resources.

5 Last Minute Black Friday Marketing Strategies from Your Fulfillment Warehouse

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Flash Sale Sign from a Fulfillment Warehouse for eCommerce Customers

Are you ready for Black Friday? It may be just the kick-off of the holiday shopping season, but a successful jump start can position your eCommerce business for a profitable finish to the retail year. Our fulfillment warehouse experts offer five helpful tips to drive shoppers to your virtual storefront.

1. Leverage social media for Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals.

When customers are already online, it’s easier to draw them to your digital store. Use your social media channels to promote new merchandise and spread the word about sales and other promotions. Incorporate eye-catching visuals and interactive opportunities, such as post-sharing and hashtag campaigns, to keep visitors engaged.

2. Offer free shipping.

You may already be offering free shipping based on specific purchasing levels, but the holidays are the time to open this perk up to all sales. Studies show that free shipping triggers a purchase for nearly three-quarters of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers.

3. Conduct flash sales.

Fear of missing out, popularly known as FOMO, is a powerful psychological factor. Create a sense of urgency by running flash sales that expire after a limited time period. Research has found that flash sales are a great way to increase email click-through rates and boost transaction rates.

4. Create bundles.

Even with the convenience of online shopping, people are always looking to save time. Make gift shopping easier by creating bundles that allow customers to clear several spots on their gift list in one place.

5. Curate a gift guide.

Wading through the digital marketplace can be overwhelming. Put together a gift guide featuring selected products that meet parameters such as interests, budgets and features.

Navigate the Holiday Season with Our Fulfillment Warehouse

Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics offers warehousing, shipping, customer service and other programs that are scalable to seasonal fluctuations and company growth. Contact us today to learn more.

4 Tips from Your Fulfillment Company on Preparing for the eCommerce Holiday Season

Woman on a tablet looking at a black Friday eCommerce holiday season sale.

With the holiday season coming up fast, it’s time to make sure your eCommerce store is ready. If you’re expecting sales to skyrocket, you’ll need to have a way to process and fulfill orders as quickly as possible. This can help you build a loyal customer base all year round for steady sales. Our fulfillment company offers the following tips on preparing for the eCommerce holiday season.

Maintain Accurate Inventory

Running out of items can lead to a big drop in sales. Having customers think that you have a certain item in stock when it’s actually out of stock can also cause your store to lose business. Making sure your inventory counts are accurate is essential this holiday season.

Reduce Inventory Shrinkage

Sending items that are damaged to customers or misplacing items during this busy time of year can result in a lot of lost business for your company. Aim to reduce shrinkage as much as you can. Working with a fulfillment company can help ensure that customers receive items that are in good shape.

Make Room for Inventory

Do you have enough space to stock up on items before holiday shopping gets into full swing? Fulfillment companies can provide this space in a separate warehouse, so you keep plenty of inventory on hand and ready to ship.

Prompt Order Fulfillment

Having enough staff on hand during the holidays is important as sales increase. Fulfillment companies have the staffing needed to make sure orders are processed, picked, packed, and shipped as soon as possible. This helps prevent delays and boosts customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Looking for a dependable fulfillment company for this eCommerce holiday season and beyond? Contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics for more details about how our fulfillment team can help you out.