How Our Warehouse Management System Improves Customer Service

Woman Utilizing a Warehouse Management System

In today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, elite customer service makes your eCommerce company stand out above all the rest. Find out how the warehouse management system from our full-service fulfillment company can be the secret weapon in your arsenal.

Benefits of a Warehouse Management System

1. Carry a balanced inventory.

Do you sometimes find that your investment is tied up in slow-moving items? Maybe you have disappointed customers who discover that the item they want is out of stock. Our WMS lightens your load by tracking the best-selling products and making sure your digital storefront displays an accurate inventory.

2. Fill orders quickly and effectively.

Gone are the days of, “Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.” Today’s sophisticated consumers don’t want to wait, and if you can’t provide prompt delivery, they’ll move on to someone who can. With our WMS, orders can be processed faster with fewer bottlenecks and errors. This also dovetails with having a balanced inventory, which is essential for rapid order fulfillment.

3. Deliver the right products in pristine condition.

No matter how well you manage the rest of your operations, the job doesn’t end once the parcel lands on a customer’s doorstep. Few things will anger shoppers more than opening an eagerly-awaited package to find a broken or damaged item or the wrong product altogether.

This scenario is damaging enough with a regular customer, but if it’s a new buyer, you’re not likely to get a second chance to make a good first impression. Our WMS covers inventory control and supply chain to make sure all segments mesh smoothly.

Our Fulfillment Company Services Let You Focus on Selling

Don’t let your valuable time get eaten up dealing with the nuts and bolts of order fulfillment. Contact us at Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn more.

The Ins and Outs of an eCommerce Fulfillment Company Part 2

eCommerce Fulfillment Warehouse Workers Packing the Delivery Truck.

Now that you know the tasks that an eCommerce fulfillment company handles, it’s time to focus on how this is done. Companies can approach fulfillment in different ways, with the overall goal being to fulfill orders quickly and efficiently. From handling everything in house to working with a fulfillment warehouse, these are a few strategies companies might use.

Staying In House

This strategy involves keeping all fulfillment tasks in house rather than working with any third-party fulfillment companies. Businesses with a smaller volume might find this option suitable, especially if it helps them save money. However, companies with a large volume of orders might find in-house fulfillment a challenge.

Using Dropshipping

An eCommerce company that dropships can save money on startup costs. This option involves having orders sent to a manufacturer or supplier who handles picking, packing, and shipping. Companies who use dropshipping only pay for merchandise that customers purchase, which can keep costs down. However, they need to make sure the manufacturers or suppliers who handle picking, packing, and shipping are reliable and efficient to ensure customer satisfaction.

Using Third-Party Logistics

Third-party logistics (3PL) involves having another company handle all fulfillment tasks, as well as supply chain management. This includes storing inventory, shipping orders, receiving merchandise, and more. This option is a good choice for eCommerce companies that have a large volume of orders to fulfill. Using a 3PL company means that businesses don’t have to find their own space to store merchandise or worry about making sure orders are shipped promptly. Instead, they can focus on other aspects of their eCommerce business to help it succeed.

If you’re searching for a dependable fulfillment warehouse, contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics. We can help ensure that your orders are fulfilled promptly to increase customer satisfaction.

5 Tips on How to Create Engaging Product Descriptions That Sell

Image of someone shopping on their phone.

When you’re looking for ways to increase business, focusing on product descriptions can pay off. It’s not enough to simply list the product name and its features. These descriptions should entice customers to learn more about your products and make a purchase. Combining effective product descriptions with other business-boosting steps, such as partnering with a fulfillment warehouse for faster processing and shipping, can help your online store thrive.

Zoom in On Your Targeted Audience

General product descriptions might seem like a good way to reach a wider audience. However, these generic descriptions aren’t likely to appeal to many buyers overall. Focus on your target audience for each product description instead. Doing this gives you a much higher chance of appealing to prospective buyers.

Go Big on Benefits

Customers want to know why they should buy your products or how your products might help them. Rather than including a list of technical features, focus on the benefits your products provide. These benefits can persuade customers to find out more about your products and consider purchasing them.

Don’t Skimp on Details

Descriptions that use general phrases to describe products aren’t doing much to grab customers’ attention. Include specific details about your products to help customers learn more about them.

Share Glowing Reviews

Including reviews in your product descriptions can show other customers how popular your products are. Share images or quotes from reviews in your descriptions.

Format Product Descriptions with Care

Good product descriptions don’t just involve using the right words. The way these descriptions are formatted can also make them more or less effective. Create product descriptions that are easy to read. Use bullet points, white space, high-quality images, and larger font sizes.

Looking for the right fulfillment warehouse to partner with? Contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics for more information.

How Will Google’s SGE AI Experience Change Shopping Ads for Ecommerce Stores?

Image of a Person on a Laptop with AI Influencing their Ad Experience.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, was once limited to an element in science fiction movies portraying a distant future. Now that time has arrived, and AI is already having a major impact on everyday life. Our fulfillment company experts take a look at how Google is harnessing the power of AI for online shopping.

Introducing Search Generative Experience

Google used their I/O 2023 event to announce the rollout of their new Search Generative Experience (SGE) as part of their Search Labs Program. SGE incorporates AI as well as a large language model (LLM) that facilitates more nuanced and personalized interaction.

SGE improves the user experience by providing answers to queries that would usually involve more than one search. Where a standard Google search returns a list of links based on keywords, queries with SGE generate a snapshot of information that includes helpful tips providing a deeper response.

If the user wants more information, a box at the bottom of the snapshot takes the search into Conversational mode. Users can enter follow-up questions that a chatbot will answer, using context from the original query and response.

AI Enters the World of Commerce

So what does this mean for eCommerce shoppers? When a consumer begins a search for an item, SGE will present relevant factors to be considered in the purchasing decision, along with a list of suitable options and overviews of each.

Unlike general queries, buying-related searches incorporate ads. They appear along the top of the snapshot, labeled as “Sponsored.”

A Fulfillment Company for Today and Tomorrow

Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics is constantly innovating to keep pace with the latest developments in eCommerce. Are you looking for a fulfillment company partner that will take you into the future? Contact us today to learn more about our full-service and personally tailored programs.

How Can I Use AI for My Ecommerce Store?

An Illustration of Two People Using Electronics around an AI Bot.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has been making headlines in recent months. While you might think it’s meant more for computer experts, any kind of business can use AI. In fact, combining AI usage with other services, such as a fulfillment warehouse, can help businesses exceed customer expectations. From email automation to chatbots, learn more about how AI can help your online business succeed.

Virtual Personal Assistants and Chatbots

AI tools can offer a convenient way for customers to get assistance while visiting your online store. Chatbots have been in use for many years. This tool can answer questions or give other information while interacting with customers. Virtual personal assistants provide a more sophisticated way for customers to get help while doing business with your online store. These AI tools help ensure that customers can get assistance around the clock if needed.

Personalized Communication

Chatbots and virtual personal assistants aren’t the only AI tools you can use to personalize customers’ experience with your business. You can use AI to create personalized automated emails for your customers. Personalization tools can also recommend products to customers based on past shopping experience and other factors. These kinds of tools can help customers feel more welcome in your online store.

Advanced Search Options

AI technology allows online store owners to offer highly personalized search results to customers. These tools pull up search results that are more relevant for customers based on their interests. Providing personalized search results with AI technology can encourage customers to keep coming back to your online store for repeat business.

Looking for the most dependable fulfillment warehouse to give your online store a boost? Contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics to learn more about how our services can help your business improve customer satisfaction.