Subscription Boxes Lead the Way in Direct to Consumer Sales

Subscription Boxes Work to Build Your Business

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Over 25% of consumers are signed up for subscription box services. The industry now contains over 3,500 established box services worth roughly $10 billion. And, according to MultiChannelMerchant, 75% of DTC (Direct to Consumer) brands will offer subscription services by 2023.

As the subscription model becomes more popular, many businesses are wondering if they should ride this wave with their own subscription boxes or supply their products to mixed or mystery boxes to attract new customers.

Subscription boxes are beneficial to everyone, which is one of the reasons they have become so popular across the board. Here are some of the benefits to consumers and businesses.


• Save money

• Try new products

The benefits to consumers are simple. Not only can they avoid running out of products that they use regularly and count on, they also save money on these products. Plus, they can discover new products in the samples included in the boxes.

Sometimes the boxes are random selections, while other times boxes are selected entirely by the consumer. Each has its own benefits.


• Better order forecasting

• Enhance customer loyalty

• Improve bottom line

Order Forecasting

One of the challenges of retail in general is the predictability of order flow. Some businesses experience a very regular pattern throughout the year, with peak season activity predictably raising revenue. But most struggle to anticipate the order volume. Forecasting isn’t easy, especially when it’s about the future.

The subscription box model helps regulate the order flow by grouping orders and standardizing the activity among subscribed customers. Although some will cancel their subscriptions, the overall pattern will be more regular than businesses without subscription options, evening out cash flow and helping predict revenues month over month.

In the early days of e-commerce, a business would need to manually create reorder logic to ship to a customer each month. Today there are numerous services that provide this capability within existing e-commerce platforms, communicating with fulfillment partners as well as the customer and fully automating the process.

Customer Engagement and Loyalty

Subscribing to a box is an act of loyalty. This model helps build a relationship between the customer and the business. The consumer is more likely to purchase from the business that they deal with so regularly and the business has an easier time creating engagement for promotions or new items and cross-selling.

Building this level of trust paves the way for potential up-sells. Familiarity enhances customer loyalty in this case. And it’s worth noting that many of these businesses would not have encountered or attracted the customers without the exposure to product trials that subscription boxes create.

Bottom Line Benefits

Subscription boxes can also save the business money. By regulating order flow, there is more predictability in inventory, which prompts a leaner supply chain and reduces carrying costs. At the same time, the business gains new customers and a more predictable order flow.

Fulfillment Partners

• Better forecasting

• Fill niche services

Similarly, a fulfillment partner that processes subscription boxes may be able to move inventory through more quickly, cutting down on stagnant inventory. Storage costs are rarely a significant source of revenue for a fulfillment house, but they can impact a business’ bottom line.

By filling orders and utilizing inventory in a more efficient manner, a brand can achieve JIT inventory (just-in-time inventory) and smooth the supply chain so there are less stuck-in-storage costs. This is good for everyone.

Shipping large volume for a client once per month helps a 3PL better predict staffing needs. 3PLs are accustomed to ramping up staff for peak holiday seasons, but when a client has a very successful sales promotion without warning, this can create a strain on the fulfillment operation.

Subscription boxes help regulate this flow and make the peaks more predictable. Not only does the fulfillment partner benefit from more regular peak order volumes, but this improves efficiency which impacts the 3PL’s bottom line.

Much like the businesses themselves, fulfillment partners can forecast revenue more easily with the more regulated pattern lent by subscriptions.

Fulfillment services who are adept at serving the subscription box market are prepared to handle the relevant logistics. Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics and Sprocket Express have successfully worked out the kinks and are set up to provide service to this niche, which is growing rapidly. This expertise helps us provide quality service to our clients across a variety of fulfillment scenarios.


The subscription box model works well for all parties in the transaction.

• Predictability (of delivery, order flow, revenue)

• Efficiency

• Relationships

• Saves money (retail prices, inventory, supply chain, preparation)

If your business is not involved in subscription service, this may be a good time to research your options. Almost every brand has a product that fits in one or more of these boxes. Contact us today to see how we can help with your subscription box service needs.

Introducing Greg Kent Our New President

Fulfillment Warehouse

Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics has made its name in the fulfillment warehouse industry by providing a full range of services scalable to accommodate each customer’s individual needs. This personal approach continues with the appointment of Greg Kent as our President and acting Manager.

Founder Gene Kent, Greg’s father, assumes the role of CEO, where he will remain involved in Medallion’s daily operations. Gene has several exciting projects in the works as he focuses on growing Medallion’s scope and reach among companies seeking scalable and startup fulfillment services.

Meet Greg Kent

Greg literally grew up in the fulfillment warehouse business, starting 35 years ago as he helped his father ship packages from the family garage that was the original home of Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics. After moving to a 1,500 square-foot warehouse, the company moved to a succession of increasingly larger facilities before reaching our current 50,000 square-foot warehouse.

After several years of working in the family business, Greg recognized the value of broadening his knowledge and took a job with a large fulfillment firm. He spent four years learning all aspects of running a large fulfillment warehouse operation. Armed with all that information, Greg returned to Medallion and put his knowledge and skills to use growing the company.

Medallion’s Growth in the Fulfillment Warehouse Industry

Over the last five years, Greg has been leveraging Medallion’s reputation for elite customer service to forge relationships with large national fulfillment centers that are now referring startups and small-sized fulfillment clients to us. Thanks to Greg’s efforts, Medallion is recognized across the industry for our expertise in fulfillment services for small-, medium-sized and startup companies.

As Greg explains, top-tier fulfillment houses are now referring to Medallion as an “incubator for fulfillment.” These companies specifically admire Medallion’s ability to provide large-scale services on a small scale.

The Future of Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics

While Medallion’s growth is being fueled through nationwide referrals, Greg’s focus remains on strengthening the company’s position as a primary fulfillment warehouse resource for small-, medium-sized and startup businesses. Greg points to the rise of eBay, Amazon and other eCommerce retailers increasing the need for fulfillment services that are responsive, cost-efficient and scalable.

According to Greg, “I feel that we are a hidden gem that has now been discovered by startup entrepreneurs and a set of top-tier national fulfillment companies.” But throughout Medallion’s current and future growth, one thing remains constant. “We will never lose our friendly family-business approach to providing exceptional service at an affordable price.”

Medallion: Your First Choice for Fulfillment and Warehousing Services

Under Greg Kent’s leadership, Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics continues to offer the same quality of personalized service started by Gene Kent in 1982 as he shipped packages out of his garage. We view our clients as part of the family and their success is our goal.

Are you ready to put Medallion’s uniquely versatile fulfillment warehouse services to work for you? Contact us for more information.

The Amazon Effect: Considerations for eCommerce and Brick and Mortar Store Owners

In the increasingly crowded and competitive world of eCommerce, Amazon remains the gold standard. The impact of the online retailing behemoth has been so primal and far-reaching that marketing experts have coined a term for it: “Amazon Effect.”

As the leader in California fulfillment services, we work to stay on top of trends and innovations influencing the industry. Here’s what you need to know about the Amazon Effect and how it applies to your business.

Shifting Buyer Expectations

Amazon’s principal effect has come in the area of buyer expectations. Consumers are demanding a buyer’s journey be “frictionless and immediate,” and these expectations cut across the digital arena to goods and services purchased in brick-and-mortar locations.

These three benefits top the list of what retailers are expected to provide today:

• Free shipping, which is most prominently featured in Amazon’s Prime membership program. While shipping costs can be steep, Amazon has found that it’s paid off in powerful customer loyalty and add-on sales.

• Speedy turnaround time, where customers receive orders in days rather than weeks. Amazon Prime’s free shipping takes only two days, and same-day delivery is available in more than 10,000 locations.

• Easy access, with a variety of options for ordering and delivery. For example, Amazon offers delivery or pick-up for grocery orders and certain items are eligible for subscriptions where orders are entered and delivered automatically.

Generational Differences and the Millennial Mindset

Not surprisingly, younger consumers who have spent their entire lives with technology are more demanding when it comes to eCommerce fulfillment and delivery. A 2018 survey of online shoppers in the U.S., Canada and U.K. found that less than 50 percent of respondents between the ages of 18 and 34 were fully satisfied with their orders.

Other studies have uncovered the “Millennial Mindset,” which Amazon has embraced with great success. The Millennial Mindset is a group of six brand values that buyers from 18-34 rate highly in their shopping experience:

• Social Circle: Is a brand popular within a buyer’s circle of family and friends?

• Self: Does a brand generate an emotional connection?

• Innovative: Does a brand lead its field in creative advancements?

• Trusted: Does a brand have consumers’ best interests at heart?

• Purposeful: Does a brand contribute to the greater good?

• Accessible: Is a brand easily assimilated into a buyer’s lifestyle?

While this mindset originated with Millennials, it’s having a ripple effect through other generations. At this point, Generation X has adopted the mindset nearly as completely as Millennials have.

Countering the Amazon Effect in Brick-and-Mortar Stores

• Use locations to complement eCommerce, not duplicate or compete with it.

• Engage high-tech solutions to track in-store behavior

• Leverage mobile apps with mPos, location-aware coupons and personalized service.

California Fulfillment Services that Exceed Customer Expectations

Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics provides a comprehensive set of eCommerce services that scale to meet your specific needs. Contact us to learn more about why we should be your first choice in cost-effective and efficient California fulfillment services.

Medallion & Sprocket Express Can Help with East and West Coast Warehouse Locations

Fulfillment Warehouse

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything yourself. You soon find yourself spending more time working in your business rather than growing your business!

Growing your business means focusing your efforts on your strategic goals and delegating the rest of the work to the experts.

Doing your own fulfillment is a perfect example:

• It demands your attention every day even if you have more important things to do.

• It can get complex if you’re trying to expand your reach into multiple channels and other countries.

• It gets in the way of scaling your business.

Outsourcing your fulfillment:

• Let’s you pay for only the services you use.

• Saves money on staff, warehousing & order processing & shipping.

• Can speed delivery when shipping from multiple locations.>

• Let’s you focus on growth.

We’d be happy to have  a no cost, no obligation discussion to help you decide if you’re ready. If you already are using a fulfillment center let us see if we can improve your level of service and/or save you money. Give us a call at (818) 998-8366 today!

Emerging Trends Expected to Impact eCommerce Stores

Mobile Matters

Online shopping has gone beyond a trend to become an established and lucrative retail channel. Demand has become so great in fact that new trends are emerging that will feed consumer thirst to shop conveniently online.

The eCommerce industry continues to change and evolve as sellers learn more about consumer habits and preferences. Here’s a sneak peek at the trends expected to shape the direction of eCommerce in 2019.

Personalized Experience

While online shopping might seem impersonal, electronic data gathering methods are sophisticated enough to let sellers tailor the eCommerce experience to meet each consumer’s preferences. Targeted content replicates brick-and-mortar shopping more closely while retaining digital convenience.

Multi-Channel Retailing

The online buyer’s journey can take them through both traditional and non-traditional outlets including brick-and-mortar, social media and eCommerce marketplaces. Multi-channel retailing involves selling your product where, as ShopifyPlus puts it, a customer is “never more than a click or clerk away from buying.”

Integrating multi-channel retailing can be costly. It requires a highly focused strategy and an infrastructure scaled to seamlessly accommodate various outlets. But with studies showing 73 percent of shoppers use multiple channels, the expense is worth it.

Customer Service Automation

Would you be surprised to hear it’s predicted that 85 percent of all customer service interactions will be handled without human agents by 2020? Customer service automation is now a matter of when, not if. A majority of people are likely to abandon a seller after only one bad customer service experience, so streamlined automation can be invaluable for customer retention.

Mobile Platforms

Whether by phone or tablet, most Americans are only a few clicks away from eCommerce outlets at all times. Consumers use mobile devices throughout the sales journey, from research to final transaction.

Mobile commerce is expected to reach 69 percent share of total purchases and 45 percent of total eCommerce revenue by 2020. Even retailing giant Walmart realized a 98 percent increase in mobile sales by optimizing their site’s function and design.

Same-Day Delivery

Savvy consumers, used to the immediate gratification of brick-and-mortar shopping, aren’t willing to sacrifice that feature for the ease of online purchasing. Nearly three-quarters of consumers say they would shop and spend more if same-day delivery was available.

Unsurprisingly, roughly the same percentage of warehouses name same-day delivery as their biggest challenge. Meeting the demand has led to a search for creative solutions, including unconventional delivery methods such as drones.

Fulfillment Warehouse Services that Grow Along with Your Business

Our fulfillment warehouse services based in Los Angeles, California are scalable to accommodate your business through new trends and innovations. Contact us to learn why Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics is the #1 choice for successful eCommerce retailers.