The Future of Ecommerce: Why Startups Should Partner with Third Party Logistics Providers

ecommerce startup fulfillment company

With Ecommerce startups, the automatic inclination is to keep costs down by doing everything in-house. In reality, your fledgling business can benefit from teaming up with experienced companies that provide crucial functions. Consider these valuable advantages that are gained by partnering with third party logistics providers.

1. Cost Savings

It may sound counterintuitive that hiring a 3PL can actually save money. But as with any good investment, the initial investment pays off over time.

  • Thanks to their volume of business, third party logistics providers have significant clout when it comes to negotiating prices with shippers.
  • Operating a warehouse, especially when you’re unsure about what you need, is an expensive proposition. A 3PL offers an economical alternative by charging you only for the space you use.

2. Inventory Management

You dream of a rapid increase in orders, but maintaining an efficient inventory flow can be a real nightmare. A first-rate 3PL incorporates barcodes, scanners, and other high-tech tools for accurate inventory tracking.

3. Customer Service

It takes only one unsatisfactory experience to lose a customer forever. The staff at a 3PL can reliably create a superior customer experience, from processing the order to handling returns.

4. Scalability

Avoid growing pains by partnering with a 3PL that can accommodate your needs, including seasonal fluctuations, as your business develops. You also gain more time to work on new products and improvements without impacting fulfillment of current orders.

5. Technology and Metrics

How do you know if you’re meeting your goals, or you need a course correction? 3PLs use sophisticated software that tracks advanced metrics, such as order revenues and sales by channel, in real time.

Your Success Is Our Success

At Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics, our number one goal is to help you succeed. Contact us to learn more.

The Ultimate Guide to eCommerce SEO in 2024

ecommerce seo and fulfillment company partnerships

Looking for ways to boost your online business this year? Working with a fulfillment company to help improve customer satisfaction can help. But you need to attract customers first. That’s where eCommerce SEO comes in. Learn more about how to use SEO for your company.

Importance of SEO for Online Businesses

Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to your company’s rankings in Google and other search engines. Higher rankings help improve your visibility when people search for the products or services that you offer.

When potential customers are able to easily find your website, this can lead to an increase in sales. SEO also gives you a way to raise your credibility and establish trust with your customer base.

Tips for Improving eCommerce SEO

How can you move up in search engine rankings? Get to know the right keywords. Which words of phrases do people use when searching for products or services? Using these keywords in your website content can help you rank higher. Keyword search tools can help you determine which phrases and words to use.

Work on the architecture of your website. This refers to the way your pages, including product pages, about us page, and other pages, are organized. Optimizing your site’s architecture makes it easier for Google and other search engines to find your category and product pages. It also helps visitors find your products or services.

Making sure your web content is optimized can help you show up higher in rankings. Work on optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, product images, blog posts, and other content.

Searching for a fulfillment company to help improve business this year? Contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics for more information on the services we provide. We can help your online business thrive.

What You Need to Know About E-Commerce Taxes and Regulations

ecommerce taxes and regulations

Running an eCommerce business comes with many responsibilities. Some of the most important include staying on top of taxes and regulations. This helps prevent penalties or other issues that affect your business. The following tips can help you understand these better.

Destination-Based vs. Origin-Based Sales Taxes

Many states use a destination-based approach to sales tax. This means online businesses charge sales tax based on a customer’s location. Other states use an origin-based approach, which means state taxes are based on the business location.

For example, if orders are shipped from a business or fulfillment warehouse in one state, the sales tax for those might be based on the customer’s state under destination-based sales tax sourcing. With origin-based sourcing, the sales tax would be based on the company’s location.

State Tax Rules

It’s important to become familiar with state tax rules, which differ from state to state. Some states don’t tax apps or other digital goods, while others do. Some states have tax exemptions when you sell overseas. Other tax-related issues to be aware of include sales tax holidays and exemptions.

Examples of exemptions include survival items, such as prescriptions or groceries, wholesale exemptions, and non-profit exemptions. Study the specific tax exemptions for different states to see which apply to your eCommerce business.

Sales Tax Permits and Reporting

Some states require business owners to have a permit in order to collect sales taxes in certain jurisdictions. Apply for one if needed before you begin collecting this money. For sales tax reporting, keep deadlines in mind to avoid being hit with penalties.

Partnering with the right fulfillment warehouse allows you to focus on taxes and regulations instead of picking, packing, and shipping orders. Contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics today to find out how we can help your eCommerce business.

5 Tips for Managing Your Customer Data

Customer Data Plan from a Fulfillment Company

No matter how wonderful your products are, you can’t simply open your eCommerce store and hope for the best. Today’s advanced technology lets you gather data that identifies and targets customers with amazing precision and accuracy. Our fulfillment company experts offer five valuable tips for efficient management of customer data.

1. Collect the right data.

Just as a handyman needs to select the proper tool for the job, you should make sure you’re collecting data that’s specifically useful to your goals. Use your KPIs as a road map to determine which information will help you attain them.

2. Protect your data.

Don’t risk the nightmare of having your data compromised by a hacker. Onsite dedicated servers are the preferred method of storage, but cloud storage has become more secure in recent years.

3. Use data wisely.

So you’ve collected all this data. Now what do you do with it? Review data on a regular basis and incorporate the information into well-defined benchmarks. Using data to create charts and other visual representations makes it easier to recognize patterns and trends.

4. Establish transparency with customers.

Digital shoppers have become increasingly wary of sharing data online. Gain trust by being upfront about policies governing collection, management, and use of data. Take the extra step of reviewing your policies with a lawyer to ensure compliance with any relevant regulations.

5. Allow customers to control their data.

With an estimated 83 percent of organizations experiencing at least one data breach, legislators are responding with changing laws regarding privacy of data. Letting customers control what data they do and don’t share is another way to establish trustworthiness.

Manage Data Safely with Our Fulfillment Company

At Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics, data protection is just as important as managing orders. Contact us to learn more.

Top Tips for Building a Business Plan for an Online Clothing Store

eCommerce Clothing Store Business Plan

Everyone wears clothing of one type or another, making it an attractive offering for an online store. That doesn’t mean you can partner with a fulfillment warehouse, then just sit back and watch the sales roll in. Use these helpful questions to craft a business plan that will establish your framework for success.

1. How viable is your business?

Clothing is a broad category with countless competitors in the field. Look for a niche, such as vintage clothing or children’s products, that will let you focus on a particular market.

2. Establish a mission.

What do you hope to accomplish with your clothing store? What sets your business apart from others? Your mission statement should tell people exactly who you are and what makes you different from your competitors.

3. Use a SWOT analysis.

SWOT is an acronym for “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.” This analysis helps you determine what qualities you should emphasize and what measures you need to take to overcome the competition.

4. Determine your business structure.

Business laws set forth several different options, such as sole proprietorship or limited liability company (LLV), for operating a business. Each option has implications for liability, taxes, and other important factors. Consult an attorney to decide which choice is best for you.

5. Keep it simple.

Don’t fall into the trap of using lots of jargon, technical terms, and buzzwords to make your plan sound “intelligent.” Stick with simple, everyday language that can be easily understood by any potential reader.

Make Our Fulfillment Warehouse Part of Your Business Plan

We have extensive experience working alongside eCommerce retailers selling just about any type of product. Let us put our knowledge and capabilities to work for you. Contact us at Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn more.