Changing Trends in Apparel eCommerce Will Lead to Greater Need of Warehouse Space

Animated Man Looking Through Binoculars at Future eCommerce Fulfillment Trends.

The rise in online shopping in recent years has affected many consumer markets, including apparel. An increasing number of shoppers are becoming more comfortable with purchasing clothing online instead of in brick-and-mortar stores. The latest trends in apparel eCommerce point to a growing need for online businesses to invest in warehouse space, such as partnering with an apparel fulfillment warehouse.

Increased Online Shopping

One of the biggest trends in eCommerce is that more consumers are shopping online, especially in some parts of the U.S. Consumers in the eastern U.S. are turning to online stores more overall. Online shopping is expected to remain stable. This makes it important for apparel eCommerce owners to make sure they have plenty of space for storing clothing items, so that orders can be handled right away.

Consumer Loyalty

More and more online shoppers stay loyal to certain retailers or brands when shopping for apparel. Many of these turn to fast-fashion stores and specialty stores that they’ve shopped at in the past. Building a loyal customer base can help online apparel stores thrive and stay ahead of the competition. Part of encouraging customers to remain loyal involves ensuring that their orders are fulfilled and shipped as quickly as possible.

Social Media

Roughly a third of adults in the U.S. consider social media an influence on their apparel purchases. Some of these consumers are inspired to buy fashion products after watching or seeing social media influencers wear them or recommend them. Making use of social media can help apparel eCommerce owners benefit from this trend.

If you’re looking for a fulfillment warehouse for your apparel eCommerce store, please contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics. We can provide your business with the space needed to fulfill orders promptly in order to ensure customer loyalty.