The Technology Behind Successful Ecommerce Fulfillment

Distribution center concept and international communication network. globalized business, transportation and professional connections.

Online sales in the United States have more than surpassed expectations. In 2012, online sales hit a record $226 billion, and accounted for 7% of all total retail sales. Experts projected $327 billion by 2016, but they were wrong… Total online sales in 2016 were $394 billion! If your fulfillment company isn’t participating in the ecommerce segment, no doubt you know that you’re missing out on an exceptional opportunity!

In this article, I’ll focus on the technological capabilities a warehouse needs in order to implement an ecommerce fulfillment service. The article isn’t going to be about listing the pros and cons of the Top 10 software programs on the market, because I don’t know your current capabilities or strategic goals. Instead, I believe that the most productive approach is to breakdown the process to help you identify where you can improve your systems.

Let’s talk about process integration. Ecommerce clients will typically approach a fulfillment company with an established business infrastructure. Integration means adapting your systems to plug into those of your customer. The processes that are frequently affected are:

• Order Capture & Management

• Picking/Packing & Shipping

• Synchronizing Order and Inventory Status

• Visibility

• Client & Customer Service

Order Capture & Management

There are more than 300 ecommerce shopping cart companies on the market. Your company needs to be technically capable of adapting to the wide variety of methodologies for communicating with those carts. Orders from carts need to be harvested on a regular basis, controlled to insure none are dropped or duplicated, and converted into a form that is compatible with your system.

I believe this area represents the greatest technical challenge for fulfillment companies in the ecommerce space. Your tool bag for interfacing with a client’s systems must include a wide array of technologies, including the ability to interact with flat files, Application Program Interfaces, Web Services, File Transfer Protocol, call center systems, and the occasional manual-order entry. IT resources to plan the implementation and support this process need to be broadly skilled and creative. Administrative resources that perform the daily-order harvesting routines need to be highly attentive to detail.

Picking/Packing & Shipping

This process is probably the most straightforward. Picking slips are generated, product is picked and boxed, and shipping labels are applied using traditional fulfillment methods. Although there may be special requirements for packing slip and box branding, those requirements don’t vary much from conventional fulfillment. It is essential to operate at a very fast past as ecommerce performance is measured in hours and the volume of orders is measured in thousands per day.

Synchronizing Order and Inventory Status

Ecommerce fulfillment requires that the client’s shopping cart has the most recent inventory and order status information. Your systems need to regularly communicate inventory availability to the cart to ensure that a client’s customer is made aware of out-of-stock situations before placing an order. Customers also need to be able to reference the shopping cart to find the status of their order. Process synchronization between your operation and that of your client is an absolute necessity.


Ecommerce fulfillment is very fast moving! We used to joke that customers would press the “buy” button and run to the front door looking for the UPS truck! With Amazon’s latest experiments in same-day delivery, this joke is almost a reality. Given the speed of ecommerce, it’s important for your clients to be able to have a real-time window into your process and inventory. At a minimum, clients should be able to see orders and inventory in near real time. The leading-edge, ecommerce fulfillment companies have taken a more pro-active stance by publishing “alerts” when important events are happening in the fulfillment process. Alert examples might include: Product X is running low on inventory; a new shipment of stock has arrived; or a customer has returned an order.

Client & Customer Service

The fulfillment process is heavily impacted by fast-paced marketing and promotional decisions. Ecommerce client support typically requires a designated coordinator to represent the client’s requirements to the fulfillment organization and to coordinate program changes. The volume and minutiae of detail often warrant the implementation of “issue logging” and “project workflow” processes within the organization. Given the pace of the business, these processes are best automated.

Some clients, particularly the Entrepreneur and Offshore segments, may ask the fulfillment organization to manage customer support. This might involve call-center work, authorizing returns, handling the occasional complaint, and so on. These client groups often have too small a volume to outsource their work to large call center. Having an arsenal of exceptional customer-support tools, therefore, positions you to capitalize on a good revenue opportunity.

In summary, successful ecommerce fulfillment relies on solid technical foundations. Warehouses and 3PLs must understand that ecommerce clients have very different needs (and expectations) for the technical aptitude, agility and pace of their fulfillment partners. To fully capitalize on the ecommerce segment, your fulfillment service must meet–and exceed–these requirements.

Startups and New Businesses Have Special Financial Needs, How to Plan for Success

Women, owner of small business packing product in boxes

For many new entrepreneurs, managing finances is one of the more intimidating aspects of a startup business. Ensuring that funding, expenses and other financial elements are controlled from the beginning prevents minor issues from snowballing into major problems.

The good news is that financial management is not as difficult as you might think. Our fulfillment warehouse has been part of several successful startups, so we’re offering these expert tips to get your fledgling business rolling with solid financial planning.

Manage Expenses

In the beginning, expenses can be a huge drain on cash flow during the time you need it the most. Fortunately, most costs can be reasonably estimated ahead of time. Create a year-long budget covering rent, wages, materials, taxes and other fixed expenses and focus on keeping them as low as possible.

Avoid Commingling Funds

As the owner, you may feel all funds are ultimately yours so the line between personal and business finances becomes blurred. When you keep both sides completely separate, it’s much easier to track business finances and prevent personal spending from draining the company account. You should also formally pay yourself a salary rather than simply dip into company funds.

Keep Detailed and Accurate Records

When it comes to judging your company’s performance, you can’t afford to rely on gut feelings or instinct. Make sure an experienced accountant, either in-house or outside, is keeping track of revenue and expenses. Review financial statements regularly and make adjustments based on a clear, overall picture.

Don’t Overdo It

You may feel compelled to take on as many roles as you can to save money, but that strategy can actually be counterproductive. Learning unfamiliar skills on the fly can end up costing more time and money than hiring an experienced person in the first place. Delegating work frees you up to focus on your passion and grow the business.

Learn to Negotiate

Don’t take vendor terms at face value. You’ll be surprised at how often suppliers are willing to make concessions to gain your business. Prepare a game plan ahead of time so you know what your goals are. Remember that it never hurts to ask!

Invest in Technology

Business technology has become so advanced and so widely integrated that your company will be at a serious disadvantage from day one without it. Any investment you make in technology will pay for itself in money and time savings.

Establish an Emergency Fund

Financial experts recommend that people maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses, and a company is no different. Put aside a percentage of income during peak times to help tide you through the slow periods.

Fulfillment Warehouse Services That Grow Along with You

Are you struggling with adjustments as your business expands? Our fulfillment warehouse services can be tailored to meet you specific needs today and scale to accommodate future requirements. Contact us at Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn more about why we are the first choice for one-stop warehousing, inventory control and order processing services.

Five Tips on How to Create Engaging Product Descriptions That Sell

Happy businessman working on his laptop at home. Handsome businessman reading an email on his laptop at home. Freelance entrepreneur typing on his laptop at home. Virtual remote worker at home

When you’re looking for ways to increase business, focusing on product descriptions can pay off. It’s not enough to simply list the product name and its features. These descriptions should entice customers to learn more about your products and make a purchase. Combining effective product descriptions with other business-boosting steps, such as partnering with a fulfillment warehouse for faster processing and shipping, can help your online store thrive.

Zoom in On Your Targeted Audience

General product descriptions might seem like a good way to reach a wider audience. However, these generic descriptions aren’t likely to appeal to many buyers overall. Focus on your target audience for each product description instead. Doing this gives you a much higher chance of appealing to prospective buyers.

Go Big on Benefits

Customers want to know why they should buy your products or how your products might help them. Rather than including a list of technical features, focus on the benefits your products provide. These benefits can persuade customers to find out more about your products and consider purchasing them.

Don’t Skimp on Details

Descriptions that use general phrases to describe products aren’t doing much to grab customers’ attention. Include specific details about your products to help customers learn more about them.

Share Glowing Reviews

Including reviews in your product descriptions can show other customers how popular your products are. Share images or quotes from reviews in your descriptions.

Format Product Descriptions with Care

Good product descriptions don’t just involve using the right words. The way these descriptions are formatted can also make them more or less effective. Create product descriptions that are easy to read. Use bullet points, white space, high-quality images, and larger font sizes.

Looking for the right fulfillment warehouse to partner with? Contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics for more information.

Your #1 Solution for Year-Round Warehouse Fulfillment Services

Your need for effective California fulfillment services doesn’t end when the sale is over. Medallion’s comprehensive programs are specifically designed to accommodate the ebbs and flows of your particular company.

Our robust Amazon replenishment warehousing services meet Amazon’s standards at a more cost-effective price. Contact us for more information.

Ecommerce Store Owners’ Top Ten Challenges – How to Overcome Them and Succeed Online

Male entrepreneur standing surrounded by product in an office.

With more consumers turning to online stores for their purchases, this is a great time to run an eCommerce business. However, online store owners face certain challenges that can make or break their business. From protecting consumer information online to finding better ways to fulfill orders, such as with help from a fulfillment company, these are some of the top challenges eCommerce store owners face.

1. Building Customer Loyalty

With so many online stores to choose from, having customer loyalty can be tough. Encourage customers to be loyal to your business through online interaction, loyalty programs with rewards, transparency, and content marketing. Taking these steps can help you engage with your customers and build a rapport with them.

2. Labor Shortages

Labor shortages have been making it harder for online stores to find staff to handle orders, customer service, and other aspects of keeping businesses up and running. Making improvements to your recruiting process and offering good benefits can help you find employees to help you with your online store.

3. Problems with Logistics

Global supply chain issues have led to logistics problems for online stores, especially when it comes to tracking inventory. Hiring a reputable fulfillment company can help your eCommerce business keep track of products that are in stock, so that you’ll know when it’s time for you to restock.

4. Lack of In-Person Contact Before Purchasing

Customers aren’t able to examine products physically before buying them when they purchase goods online. This can cause some customers to avoid shopping online. ECommerce store owners can make use of newer technology, such as virtual realty or augmented reality to make up the inability to physically try on or feel or hold merchandise.

5. Low Conversion Rates

Conversion rates can be a problem for online store owners, especially for those who are just getting started. Focusing on driving conversion through search engine optimization, calls-to-action, and the targeted messaging can help you increase your online store’s conversion rates.

6. Fraudulent Transactions

Fraud can easily happen in online stores when secure payment methods aren’t being used. This can lead to financial and legal problems while also discouraging customers from doing business with your eCommerce store. Watch for signs of suspicious activity with customer purchases, and use software solutions to make the payment process as secure as possible.

7. Customer Support

Although you can use chatbots for convenient customer support, many consumers would rather talk to customer service personnel on the phone, especially when dealing with complex issues. Offering phone support that allows customers to speak to someone can help improve customer support.

8. Customer Experience

Customers have raised their expectations in recent years when making online purchases. Ensuring that customers receive their orders promptly is crucial for your online business. A fulfillment company can provide you with peace of mind while also meeting the higher expectations that today’s customers have.

9. Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats can put customer data at risk and harm your online business in other ways. To lower the risk of these threats, you should update your online store platform on a regular basis, back up data routinely, and use security solutions.

10. Product Returns

Online stores have a higher risk of fraud or other issues when it comes to product returns. Having clear return and refund policies can help lower this risk. Giving customers different options for returns or refunds or offering coupons for those who aren’t satisfied with their purchase can help encourage customer loyalty.

Ready to Get a Price Quote for Our Services?

If you need a fulfillment company to help overcome challenges with your eCommerce business, please contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics today. We offer dependable, quality fulfillment services on both the East and West Coasts.

Five Essential Benefits of a 3PL Warehouse for Your Small Business

Science technology concept. AI (Artificial Intelligence). Deep learning.

When you are trying to grow your small business, handling all of the tasks involved in your supply chain can be challenging and time-consuming. The use of third-party logistics (3PL), such as a fulfillment warehouse, can take these tasks off your hands, so you can focus on other aspects of your business. Using 3PL warehouse solutions offers the following benefits for small businesses.

Better Customer Satisfaction

Using a 3PL warehouse means your customers can receive their packages on time. This helps your business build a reputation for being reliable. Timely package shipping and deliveries result in customers who are more satisfied with your business.

Reduced Costs

A 3PL warehouse solution can help your small business save on operating costs and other expenses. Using this type of service means you will not have to spend money on renting a warehouse, transporting goods, and handling other logistics tasks on your own.

Expanded Markets

Using a 3PL warehouse can make it easier and more cost-effective for your business to expand into new markets. You will have greater access to other markets, while saving money on the cost of managing inventory in these markets.

Increased Scalability

When you use 3PL solutions, you will have the adjust the use of supply chain resources based on how busy your business currently is. This scalability helps reduce waste when business is slow or quickly meet customer needs when business picks up.

Knowledge and Expertise

Relying on a 3PL warehouse to handle your fulfillment needs means you can depend on their expertise and guidance. They can help you expand into new markets, including overseas markets, while ensuring compliance with international regulations.

If you need a dependable fulfillment warehouse to help your business grow, please contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics to learn more about our services.