Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics

How Will Google’s SGE AI Experience Change Shopping Ads for Ecommerce Stores?

Image of a Person on a Laptop with AI Influencing their Ad Experience.

AI's Impact on Online Shopping Ads

Artificial intelligence, or AI, was once limited to an element in science fiction movies portraying a distant future. Now that time has arrived, and AI is already having a major impact on everyday life. Our fulfillment company experts take a look at how Google is harnessing the power of AI for online shopping.

Introducing Search Generative Experience

Google used their I/O 2023 event to announce the rollout of their new Search Generative Experience (SGE) as part of their Search Labs Program. SGE incorporates AI as well as a large language model (LLM) that facilitates more nuanced and personalized interaction.

SGE improves the user experience by providing answers to queries that would usually involve more than one search. Where a standard Google search returns a list of links based on keywords, queries with SGE generate a snapshot of information that includes helpful tips providing a deeper response.

If the user wants more information, a box at the bottom of the snapshot takes the search into Conversational mode. Users can enter follow-up questions that a chatbot will answer, using context from the original query and response.

AI Enters the World of Commerce

So what does this mean for eCommerce shoppers? When a consumer begins a search for an item, SGE will present relevant factors to be considered in the purchasing decision, along with a list of suitable options and overviews of each.

Unlike general queries, buying-related searches incorporate ads. They appear along the top of the snapshot, labeled as “Sponsored.”

A Fulfillment Company for Today and Tomorrow

Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics is constantly innovating to keep pace with the latest developments in eCommerce. Are you looking for a fulfillment company partner that will take you into the future? Contact us today to learn more about our full-service and personally tailored programs.

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