Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics

How Our Warehouse Management System Improves Customer Service

Woman Utilizing a Warehouse Management System

Woman Utilizing a Warehouse Management System

In today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, elite customer service makes your eCommerce company stand out above all the rest. Find out how the warehouse management system from our full-service fulfillment company can be the secret weapon in your arsenal.

Benefits of a Warehouse Management System

1. Carry a balanced inventory.

Do you sometimes find that your investment is tied up in slow-moving items? Maybe you have disappointed customers who discover that the item they want is out of stock. Our WMS lightens your load by tracking the best-selling products and making sure your digital storefront displays an accurate inventory.

2. Fill orders quickly and effectively.

Gone are the days of, “Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.” Today’s sophisticated consumers don’t want to wait, and if you can’t provide prompt delivery, they’ll move on to someone who can. With our WMS, orders can be processed faster with fewer bottlenecks and errors. This also dovetails with having a balanced inventory, which is essential for rapid order fulfillment.

3. Deliver the right products in pristine condition.

No matter how well you manage the rest of your operations, the job doesn’t end once the parcel lands on a customer’s doorstep. Few things will anger shoppers more than opening an eagerly-awaited package to find a broken or damaged item or the wrong product altogether.

This scenario is damaging enough with a regular customer, but if it’s a new buyer, you’re not likely to get a second chance to make a good first impression. Our WMS covers inventory control and supply chain to make sure all segments mesh smoothly.

Our Fulfillment Company Services Let You Focus on Selling

Don’t let your valuable time get eaten up dealing with the nuts and bolts of order fulfillment. Contact us at Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics to learn more.

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