Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics

Sell More This Holiday with Our Five Tips

How to Motivate Your Sales Staff

Holiday Fulfillment

With the holidays coming up, consumers will begin shopping for gifts soon. This season tends to be a busy one overall for online shopping, but how can you make sure your eCommerce store is among the busiest? From partnering with a fulfillment warehouse to planning holiday promotions, these tips can help you sell more during the holidays.

Plan Holiday Promotions

If you haven’t already, start planning the kinds of promotions your store will run this holiday season. For example, you might offer limited-time coupon codes or a free item with each purchase. Promotions are a great way to entice customers to purchase from your online store.

Plan Your Inventory

Go through your inventory now to make sure you’ll have enough items stored to ship to customers. You might need to order larger quantities of best-selling items or stock up on other items, such as gift wrap.

Offer Additional Payment Options

More and more customers are using Apple Pay, PayPal, and other payment options besides credit cards. Making these payment options available for your store can encourage more customers to buy your goods.

Communicate Clearly with Customers

Make customer communication a top priority this holiday season. Give customers tracking information for each order, notify them about any shipping delays that occur, and provide clear shipping and return policies.

Team Up with a Fulfillment Warehouse

Customers want to be able to receive their orders as soon as possible. Partnering with a dependable fulfillment warehouse helps ensure that your business can have goods shipped to customers as quickly as possible while also keeping shipping costs down.

If you’re looking for a trusted fulfillment warehouse to partner with this holiday season, contact Medallion Fulfillment and Logistics for more information about our services.

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