Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics

Tips for Building Customer Loyalty and Repeat Customers

Medallion is a California Based Fulfillment Company

Medallion is a California Based Fulfillment Company

As with many companies, your marketing efforts are probably directed primarily at converting prospects. But research shows overwhelmingly that repeat customers provide more value in sales and referrals at a lower cost to you.

Doesn’t it make sense to focus marketing activity on customer retention? Our California fulfillment services experts offer some creative suggestions to drive repeat business.

Create a Loyalty Program

A loyalty program is a simple but effective tool that incentivizes customers to come back to your website. Analyze sales reports to determine which criteria to use, such as rewarding repeat customers by volume or number of purchases.

Establish Trust

Consistency and transparency are two factors in building trust with your customers. In addition to making repeat purchases, consumers respond to trustworthy sellers by sharing their positive experiences with others A Forbes study shows more than 80 percent of respondents make purchases based on recommendations by friends and family.

Maintain a Social Media Presence

E-commerce lacks the personalized touch offered at brick-and-mortar stores. Connect with customers by staying active on social media. Answer questions, respond to comments, participate in discussions and post 10x content, original or shared, with genuine value to your target audience.

Sell a Superior Experience

“Sell the sizzle, not the steak” is a classic advertising motto based on the concept that customers respond to benefits, not features. With the amount of competition in today’s marketplace, it’s more crucial than ever to set your business above others by offering a unique buyer experience.

Use Packaging for Promotion

Even if you’ve never ordered from Amazon, chances are you’ve seen their shipping packages numerous times in places ranging from a friend’s home to a post office or UPS store. Take advantage of all that space on your packaging to keep your brand name and logo in front of current and potential customers.

Capture Conversions with Remarketing

All repeat customers begin as first-time customers, but industry statistics show that the average website loses approximately 98 percent of first-time visitors without a conversion. Remarketing with targeted ads to previous website visitors keeps you connected until they’re ready to buy.

Leverage Data

Digital marketing provides sellers with greater quantities of granular data than were ever available previously, but it means nothing unless you act on it. Mine data to learn as much as possible about your customers and use that data for targeted marketing campaigns and offers.

Provide Prompt Fulfillment

No matter how great your product is, nothing dampens a customer’s enthusiasm like long shipping times. If buyers know they can count on your company for prompt and professional order fulfillment, it gives you a distinct advantage over your competitors.

Boost Repeat Business with Our California Fulfillment Services

Are you finding it a challenge to juggle the demands of growing your business with the responsibilities of providing superior customer service? Let our California fulfillment services company handle your order processing needs from receiving and warehousing to shipping and customer support. Contact Medallion Fulfillment & Logistics for more information.

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