If a blog post lands online and no one is there to read it, does it really make any noise? There are more than 152 million blogs on the Internet, and with the number growing by one every half-second.
The good news is that the sheer number of blogs shows that people are regularly reading them. Use these tips to create valuable blog posts that keep viewers coming back for more.
1. Start with a Compelling Premise
Just as a beautiful flower grows from a tiny seed, a great blog post begins with a small but powerful idea. People sometimes make the mistake of starting with the points they want to make and then looking for a theme to hang them on. Come up with a timely and relevant idea and your content will flow organically.
2. Know Your Audience
When you try to be all things to all people, your message ends up so vague and watered-down that it doesn't appeal to anyone. If you don't already have a buyer persona, create one and use it as the target for your writing.
3. Make It Readable
Readability involves more than just language, words and tone. With only 10 to 20 seconds to grab a viewer's attention before they leave your site, be sure to make your post as visually appealing as possible.
• Break up large chunks of text into smaller bite-size pieces of no more than five lines. Forget what your English teacher told you: One-sentence paragraphs are no longer frowned upon.
• Include short but punchy subheadings that convey your message at a glance.
• Use bullet points, boldface and other formatting that make the post "skimmable."
4. Add Graphic Interest
Did you know that 65 percent of the people who visit your website are visual learners? That's one of the reasons why infographics and videos are such powerful formats. Pictures, GIF's, videos and other graphic content make your message more powerful and increase the shareability factor for a greater reach.
5. Craft an Attention-Grabbing Headline
First impressions always count. No matter how vibrant, topical and thoughtful your content is, no one will read it without a catchy headline to draw them in.
6. Proofread and Proofread Again
Would you have confidence in a person who showed up for a business meeting with soiled clothes, greasy hair and grimy fingernails? Readers will have the same reaction if your blog post is riddled with misspellings, poor grammar and inaccurate facts.
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